
The Shape of God: The question reverberated in the depths of void. As the hands of eternity hurriedly gathered the remaining echoes, time has begun for the first time! That's when infinity whispered the ancient secret in my ears...
Both Science and Spirituality have only one quest, the source of everything!
I am consciously procrastinating this book...Sign Up to know if you are curious...                                                                                           


happiness is simply a choice, the power to choose is in the now!

"Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven!"
'Praise to the Man' who accepts sufferings for the promise of heaven
The ancient rituals for happiness were all lost for modern human
Ready to rediscover the true science practiced by ancient yogis?

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Brain Health 101. When you observe the little people in your brain your journey begins, a journey marked with challenges and hurdles, similar to a modern day video game. As you advance the barriers get bigger. But the day you master the game you evolve yourself to a higher realm. 



First there were predators and floods! Then plagues and diabetes!! Then we had the ever powerful Corona!!! Now the new wave that hit humanity is something that awakens the species!

If your body said no, if your brain started hauling in unbearable pain, recognize that you are the chosen one! As a spiritual teacher once said, healing is your responsibility.As you heal yourself you unlock the panacea to heal humanity!                                                                                


Exploring Universal Laws : The Law of Attraction

When the students living next doors celebrated their nights with music and fun, it was total ruckus for the neighbors. I saw the mirth, the youthful energy, the vitality, the celebration of feminine-masculine union, I saw it all...
Sitting amid an unwanted manifestation can you see your desires manifested in flesh and blood all around you! Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer! I realized that it is time to tell the world about the science of the laws of the Universe. Be ready to harvest your yield. It is in front of your eyes.

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